All in GCTV Page 5

Selim Jahan

Selim Jahan, Director of the Human Development Report Office, highlights the most recent HDR that explores how various types of work are critical to human development. 7 December 2015

Arthur Erken

Arthur Erken, Director, Division of Communications and Strategic Partnerships at the UN Population Fund, discusses various programs to reduce maternal mortality, child marriage and female genital mutilation. 7 December 2015

Amina Mohammed

Amina Mohammed, Special Advisor-Post 2015 Development Planning, focuses on the new Sustainable Development Goals to reduce poverty, promote sustainable development, and empower women.

Saber Chowdhury

Saber Chowdhury, President of the Inter-Parliamentary Union, discusses how many Parliaments work to combat climate change, empower women, involve youth and promote human rights. 2 September 2015

Gerry Bourke

Gerry Bourke, Senior Communications Officer for the UN's World Food Program, focuses on assistance to millions in Libya, Yemen and other areas who have had their lives disrupted because of various tragedies, such as natural disasters or civil wars. 4 November 2015

Penny Abeywardena

Penny Abeywardena, Commissioner of Mayor Bill de Blasio's Office for International Affairs highlights work with international delegations from all over the world and why New York is the International Capital of the World. 5 November 2015

Richard Wright

Richard Wright, Director of the Representative Office of UNRWA (the United Nations Relief and Works Agency for Palestine Refugees in the Near East) New York, discusses challenges confronting Palestinians in Gaza and other sites in the Middle East. 

Dr. William Vendley

Dr. William Vendley, Secretary General of the World Conference of Religions for Peace, lays out how religious leaders and major religions can help create a better world and reduce conflicts.